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Archive for August, 2014

Oh high Linear Time, I’m Sofie

Friday, August 8th, 2014

well… yeah. I lose track of time easily. Been a bit busy. I have more kids than I did when I started this site, plus a shiney graduate degree, plus been doing a lot of volunteering and community building work. Haven’t had a lot of time for blogging but I have been working on the novels around all that (I call it “productive use of insomnia – I’m writing this after 1am). But when school starts all except one of the kids will be in school at least part-days so I plan to steal more fiction writing time more regularly. Persephone has been getting impatient with me and it doesn’t seem wise to annoy a/the Queen of the Underworld.  I’ve been home from the Tori Amos concert (where I actually got to meet her at the Meet & Greet in the afternoon) for about 2 hours now. I mentioned to Tori that some of her songs have strongly influenced my portrayal of Persephone and she seemed interested, so figured maybe updating the website would be a good use of the insomnia tonight. I had several scenes from the novel (some already written in 1st draft, some still in outline stages) playing through my head as she played at the concert tonight so I’m kinda itching to write, but for the sake of my physical health I should probably turn the screen off and stare at my bedroom ceiling instead. Good night dear readers, even if it’s lunchtime when you’re reading this.